256gb steam deck
256gb steam deck

You have games that are Verified to work great on the deck, Playable games that will work but may have issues, Unsupported games which aren’t supposed to work, and Unknown games which haven’t yet been tested. Compatibility isn’t perfect, but this allows an awful lot of Windows games to work great on Linux, or in this case, on the Steam Deck.Ī team at Valve is actively going through and testing games to see how they work and then rating them into four categories. This is a tool Valve created to let you play Windows games on Linux. Of course, many of the games on Steam don’t have Linux versions, so to get more of their library working, you need something called Proton. The Steam Deck runs on its own OS called SteamOS, but it’s based on Linux and can run native Linux games with little issue.

256gb steam deck

Valve has been going through the Steam library and judging how everything works. The one I had the most trouble with was Eiyuden Chronicle Rising, but that title isn’t confirmed for the system. Some had a bit of slowdown until I turned a few things down, but the performance issues were never major, and I never had to turn everything down to low settings or anything like that. Most of these games ran well with most of the graphical settings on high. Everything from big AAA games like Fallout 4, Metal Gear Solid V, and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order to recent indie hits like Rogue Legacy 2 and Eiyuden Chronicle Rising. It’s a minor miracle.ĭuring my testing of the Steam Deck, I tested many games. You’d struggle to build a normal PC that can run the game this well for this price, let alone one that fits in your hands. When you can run Elden Ring, the biggest game of this year, with only moderate compromises, you know you’re onto something.

256gb steam deck

It would have been easy to release something that could play most indie games and call it a day, but Valve took the time to create hardware capable of running even modern AAA games without significant drawbacks. Portable PCs aren’t new, but one with the power and options of the Steam Deck in the price range it’s retailing for certainly is. While Valve’s new hardware will polarize players, I fit squarely in the camp that is glad to have it today. Others will want to hold off until further notice. For some players, this will be a must-own right now.

256gb steam deck

Still a long way from being what Valve ultimately wants it to be. A dream when it comes to portable emulation.

256gb steam deck