Diablo 4 on ps4
Diablo 4 on ps4

diablo 4 on ps4 diablo 4 on ps4

If only WoW was on consoles Comment by Vynillin on T19:37:54-05:00 There are exactly enough buttons on a controller to be able to play the game just as you would on PC, and it feels much better when doing so.

diablo 4 on ps4

Whilst I do not currently own a console, I for one hope that there will be the option on the PC version to play with a controller AND be able to use the same controller UI that the console will get. Have you played Diablo 3 on a console? I have played it on both PS4 and PC, and I can tell you that the game feels MUCH better playing with a console controller with the console UI. Check out everything else we know about Diablo 4 so far in our Diablo 4 Content Overview!ĭiablo 4 Content Overview: Everything We Know So Far Diablo 4 is intended to go back to the series' classic isometric roots in a dark and gritty open world ARPG featuring a non-linear campaign, open world exploration, Hardcore and PVP modes, and more character customization than ever before. Featuring a renewed focus on darkness apocalyptic, occult, and biblical themes are found throughout the art, story, and gameplay. Lilith, daughter of Mephisto, one of the creators of Sanctuary and originators of humanity, has returned to a dark and apocalyptic world. Their cities devastated, protectors slain, and Horadrim reduced to raving old men, the kingdom of Heaven sealed its gates leaving humanity completely been cut off. Unveiled at BlizzCon 2019, Diablo 4 is the newest installment in the Diablo franchise, picking up in the decades following Malthael's plans to wipe out humanity in Diablo 3, resulting in the world of Sanctuary brought to ruins. "There are technical details and details to work through with the first parties, but it's our goal to get to cross-play." We're very excited about cross-play," says Adham. "And those meet-ups might happen across different platforms if the developers have their way.

Diablo 4 on ps4